You're the kind of people all hesitant new pickleballers would be lucky to meet! I do definitely encourage newbies to drop by a court, ask lots of questions, but it's amazing how intimidating even that is for lots of people.
It's really cool that your local experience is so positive toward newbies. Where are you located?
Sorry for late reply - drifted off (positive distractions)
Hello from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
There is always an extra paddle around and spare ball - just to let someone hold it and bounce on the paddle, then ground…even w/o the “right” clothes we’ve had some knock a few back and forth across the net.
Only thought about Intimidation Factor yesterday at our area’s new indoor facility - membership sales haven’t been what they expected and Management wondered if the size (Canada’s largest at 17 courts) and higher level of play near the entrance did intimidate any newbies. We are VERY welcoming once the threshold is crossed!
Tell any hesitant person - just go to a rec court some morning and just listen. Clearly the laughter and good vibes will drift through the fence.
And that they should not be surprised if someone just offers a paddle to hold and bounce the ball with to “just get a feel”.
(Fact: we created several new players last summer with our outreach of talking to pre-newbie spectators.)
You're the kind of people all hesitant new pickleballers would be lucky to meet! I do definitely encourage newbies to drop by a court, ask lots of questions, but it's amazing how intimidating even that is for lots of people.
It's really cool that your local experience is so positive toward newbies. Where are you located?
Sorry for late reply - drifted off (positive distractions)
Hello from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
There is always an extra paddle around and spare ball - just to let someone hold it and bounce on the paddle, then ground…even w/o the “right” clothes we’ve had some knock a few back and forth across the net.
Only thought about Intimidation Factor yesterday at our area’s new indoor facility - membership sales haven’t been what they expected and Management wondered if the size (Canada’s largest at 17 courts) and higher level of play near the entrance did intimidate any newbies. We are VERY welcoming once the threshold is crossed!